Elementary Curriculum
A Catholic education gives young students the intellectual and spiritual keys they need to explore the world of education. AOPS elementary students learn about the people who shape our lives, the discoveries that fueled our knowledge, and the love God shared to make this beautiful world possible.
We’ve partnered with the International Center for Leadership in Education to create a curriculum that is rooted in scholastic tradition and relevant for today’s world.
Here’s what’s covered at all of our elementary schools:
- The curricula followed by the students in the Elementary Schools of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia (AOP) are developed by and/or approved by the Secretary of Catholic Elementary Education (OCE). This is done in coordination through the Department of Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment and related Staff Development for Pre-K through grade 8.
- Guidelines for specific curriculum areas are prepared and disseminated through OCE. In teaching the content of any curriculum area, teachers should adhere to the content of the most recent curriculum guidelines, rather than any specific textbook series.
- Elementary curriculum guidelines are copyrighted material. Guidelines may not be copied in whole or part, electronically or by any other means.
View Subjects by Grade
Religion Grade 1
In Grade 1 Religion, some core themes include; God the Father, Creation, Introductions to Mary as the Mother of Jesus, the Liturgical Year, Saints in relation to the time of year, Prayer, Sacramentals, and early learning Social Justice.
Religion Grade 2
In Grade 2 Religion, some core themes include; the Blessed trinity, Topics Related to the Mass, Sacraments of Initiation/Healing/Service of Communion, Devotion to Mary, Liturgical Year, Saints as it relates to the time of year, Prayer, Sacramentals, and Social Justice topics.
Religion Grade 3
In Grade 3 Religion, some core themes include; A deeper look into individual Sacraments, Christian Community, Prayers to Our Lady, Liturgical Year, Saints as it relates to the time of year, Prayer, Sacramentals, and Social Justice.
Religion Grade 4
In Grade 4 Religion, some core themes include; God the Father, Grace, Commandments, Sin, Beatitudes: Works of Mercy, Conscience, Virtue, Mary: Examples of Faith and Holiness, Liturgical Year, Saints as it relates to the time of year, Prayer, Sacramentals, and Social Justice.
Religion Grade 5
In Grade 5 Religion, some core themes include; a deeper review of the Sacraments, Devotion to Mary, Liturgical Year, Prayer, Sacramentals, and Social Justice topics.
Religion Grade 6
In Grade 6 Religion, some core themes include; the Bible: Old Testament, Dogmas believed about Mary, Biblical Places and Mary, Mysteries of the Rosary, Liturgical Year, Saints as it relates to the time of year, Prayer, Sacramentals, and Social Justice.
Religion Grade 7
In Grade 7 Religion, some core themes include; the Bible: The New Testament and religious figures in it, Liturgy and Worship, Mary in the Gospels, Prayers to Mary, Liturgical times of Year, Saints as it relates to the time of year, Prayer, Sacramentals, Social Justice topics.
Religion Grade 8
In Grade 8 Religion, some core themes include; The Church: Concept/Marks/Development, The dignity of the Human Person, Human Freedom, Human Conscience, the Ten Commandments, Sacraments and Sacramentals, The Virtues, Sin, Mercy, The Tradition and Expression of Prayer, Marian Churches and Shrines, Mary in Art, Liturgical Year, Saints as it relates to the time of year, Prayer, Social Justice.
English Language Arts Kindergarten
In Kindergarten English Language Arts, some common themes consist of: Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, and Language. These topics follow the K-5 curriculum core detailed further in the full curriculum guide.
English Language Arts Grade 1
In Grade 1 English Language Arts, some common themes consist of: text complexity and the growth of comprehension, text types and responding to reading/research, flexible communication and collaboration, conventions, effective use, and vocabulary. These topics follow the K-5 curriculum core detailed further in the full curriculum guide.
English Language Arts Grade 2
In Grade 2 English Language Arts, some common themes consist of: text complexity and the growth of comprehension, text types and responding to reading/research, flexible communication and collaboration, conventions, effective use, and vocabulary. These topics follow the K-5 curriculum core detailed further in the full curriculum guide.
English Language Arts Grade 3
In Grade 3 English Language Arts, some common themes consist of: text complexity and the growth of comprehension, text types and responding to reading/research, flexible communication and collaboration, conventions, effective use, and vocabulary. These topics follow the K-5 curriculum core detailed further in the full curriculum guide.
English Language Arts Grade 4
In Grade 4 English Language Arts, some common themes consist of: text complexity and the growth of comprehension, text types and responding to reading/research, flexible communication and collaboration, conventions, effective use, and vocabulary. These topics follow the K-5 curriculum core detailed further in the full curriculum guide.
English Language Arts Grade 6
In Grade 6 English Language Arts, some common themes consist of: text complexity and the growth of comprehension, text types and responding to reading/research, flexible communication and collaboration, conventions, effective use, and vocabulary. These topics follow the 6-12 curriculum core detailed further in the full curriculum guide.
English Language Arts Grade 5
In Grade 5 English Language Arts, some common themes consist of: text complexity and the growth of comprehension, text types and responding to reading/research, flexible communication and collaboration, conventions, effective use, and vocabulary. These topics follow the K-5 curriculum core detailed further in the full curriculum guide.
English Language Arts Grade 7
In Grade 7 English Language Arts, some common themes consist of: text complexity and the growth of comprehension, text types and responding to reading/research, flexible communication and collaboration, conventions, effective use, and vocabulary. These topics follow the 6-12 curriculum core detailed further in the full curriculum guide.
English Language Arts Grade 8
In Grade 8 English Language Arts, some common themes consist of: text complexity and the growth of comprehension, text types and responding to reading/research, flexible communication and collaboration, conventions, effective use, and vocabulary. These topics follow the 6-12 curriculum core detailed further in the full curriculum guide.
Mathematics Kindergarten
In Kindergarten Mathematics, a consistent focus is placed on the following key areas: representing and comparing whole numbers, initially with sets of objects and describing shapes and space with learning time devoted to number than to other topics.
Mathematics Grade 1
In Grade 1 Mathematics, a consistent focus is placed on the following key areas: developing an understanding of addition, subtraction, and strategies for addition and subtraction within 20; developing an understanding of whole number relationships and place value, including grouping in tens and ones; developing an understanding of linear measurements and measuring lengths as iterating length units; and reasoning about attributes of, and composing and decomposing geometric shapes.
Mathematics Grade 2
In Grade 2 Mathematics, a consistent focus is placed on the following key areas: extending understanding of base-ten notation; building fluency with addition and subtraction; using standard units of measure; and describing and analyzing shapes.
Mathematics Grade 3
In Grade 3 Mathematics, a consistent focus is placed on the following key areas: developing an understanding of multiplication and division and strategies for multiplication and division within 100; developing an understanding of fractions, especially unit fractions (fractions with numerator 1); developing an understanding of the structure of rectangular arrays and of area; and describing and analyzing two-dimensional shapes.
Mathematics Grade 4
In Grade 4 Mathematics, a consistent focus is placed on the following key areas: developing an understanding and fluency with multi-digit multiplication, and developing an understanding of dividing to find quotients involving multi-digit dividends; developing an understanding of fraction equivalence, addition and subtraction of fractions with like denominators, and multiplication of fractions by whole numbers; understanding that geometric figures can be analyzed and classified based on their properties, such as having parallel sides, perpendicular sides, particular angle measures, and symmetry.
Mathematics Grade 5
In Grade 5 Mathematics, a consistent focus is placed on the following key areas: developing fluency with addition and subtraction of fractions, and developing understanding of the multiplication of fractions and of division of fractions in limited cases (unit fractions divided by whole numbers and whole numbers divided by unit fractions); extending division to 2-digit divisors, integrating decimal fractions into the place value system and developing understanding of operations with decimals to hundredths, and developing fluency with whole number and decimal operations; and developing understanding of volume.
Mathematics Grade 7
In Grade 7 Mathematics, a consistent focus is placed on the following key areas: developing an understanding of and applying proportional relationships; developing an understanding of operations with rational numbers and working with expressions and linear equations; solving problems involving scale drawings and informal geometric constructions, and working with two- and three-dimensional shapes to solve problems involving area, surface area, and volume; and drawing inferences about populations based on samples.
Mathematics Grade 6
In Grade 6 Mathematics, a consistent focus is placed on the following key areas: connecting ratio and rate to whole number multiplication and division and using concepts of ratio and rate to solve problems; completing understanding of division of fractions and extending the notion of number to the system of rational numbers, which includes negative numbers; writing, interpreting, and using expressions and equations; and developing understanding of statistical thinking.
Mathematics Grade 8
In Grade 8 Mathematics, a consistent focus is placed on the following key areas: formulating and reasoning about expressions and equations, including modeling an association in bivariate data with a linear equation, and solving linear equations and systems of linear equations; grasping the concept of a function and using functions to describe quantitative relationships; analyzing two-and three-dimensional space and figures using distance, angle, similarity, and congruence, and understanding and applying the
Pythagorean Theorem.
Science Kindergarten
In Kindergarten Science, a consistent focus is placed on the following key areas: Forces and Interactions: Pushes and Pulls; Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems: Animals, Plants and Their Environment; Weather and Climate; and Engineering Design.
Science Grade 1
In Grade 1 Science, a consistent focus is placed on the following key areas: Waves: Light and Sound; Structure, Function and Information Processing; Space Systems: Patterns and Cycles; Engineering Design.
Science Grade 2
In Grade 2 Science, a consistent focus is placed on the following key areas: Structure and Properties of Matter; Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems; Earth’s Systems: Processes that Shape the Earth; and Engineering Design.
Science Grade 3
In Grade 3 Science, a consistent focus is placed on the following key areas: Forces and Interactions; Inheritance and Variation of Traits: Life Cycles and Traits; Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems: Environmental Impacts on Organisms; Weather and Climate; and Engineering Design.
Science Grade 4
In Grade 4 Science, a consistent focus is placed on the following key areas: Energy; Waves; Structure, Function and Information Processing; Earth’s Systems: Processes that Shape the Earth; and Engineering Design.
Science Grade 5
In Grade 5 Science, a consistent focus is placed on the following key areas: Structure and Properties of Matter; Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems; Space Systems: Stars and the Solar System; Earth’s Systems; Engineering Design.
Science Grade 6
In Grade 6 Science, a consistent focus is placed on the following key areas: Space Systems; History of Earth; Earth’s Systems; Weather and Climate; Human Impacts; and Engineering Design.
Science Grade 7
In Grade 7 Science, a consistent focus is placed on the following key areas: Structure, Function and Information Processing; Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems; Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems; Growth, Development and Reproduction of Organisms; Natural Selection and Adaptions; and Engineering Design.
Science Grade 8
In Grade 8 Science, a consistent focus is placed on the following key areas: Structure and Properties of Matter; Chemical Reactions; Forces and Interactions; Energy; Waves and Electromagnetic Radiation; and Engineering Design.
Social Studies Kindergarten
The Kindergarten course is organized into five units of study which align to Unifying Themes— Individual Development and Cultural Identity; Civic Ideals and Practices; Geography, Humans, and the Environment; Time, Continuity, and Change; and Economic Systems. Each unit helps students study themselves in the context of their immediate surroundings. While studying how they live and the rules under which they live, students learn that other people may have different identities, cultures, and experiences in the world compared to their own.
Social Studies Grade 1
In Grade 1 Social Studies, students examine families and develop an awareness of cultural diversity within the American culture. Responsible citizenship is introduced as well as the role of authority to make rules and laws. The students will increase their geography skills through the use of maps and directions. Family history provides the basis for examining sources of information and organizing that information. Economic terminology and principles are introduced in the context of family resources as well as making economic decisions.
Social Studies Grade 2
Grade 2 Social Studies is organized into five units of study — Individual Development and Cultural Identity; Civic Ideals and Practices; Geography, Humans, and the Environment; Time, Continuity, and Change and Economic Systems. These units represent five of the unifying themes of social studies and may be presented in any order. Students study their community and learn about characteristics that define urban, suburban and rural communities. Democratic principles and participation in government are introduced. Interaction with the environment and the changes to the environment and their impact are examined. The concept of change over time and examining cause and effect are introduced. Students will examine the availability of resources and the interdependence within and across communities.
Social Studies Grade 3
In Grade 3 Social Studies, students learn about communities around the globe. Students bring with them knowledge about their community. In this course, students make comparisons across time and space, examining different communities and their cultures. Culture includes social organization, customs and traditions, language, arts and literature, religion, forms of government, and economic systems. Teachers must select at least three communities that may reflect the diversity of their local community for extensive study. These communities represent different regions of the world, types of communities (urban, suburban, and rural), and governmental structures. The key ideas, conceptual understandings, and content specifications guide the study of communities while exploring the major themes of social studies.
Social Studies Grade 4
Grade 4 Social Studies is focused on Pennsylvania State and local communities and their change over time, incorporating the study of geography, history, economics, and government. Teachers are encouraged to make and teach local connections for each of these topics. The course is divided into seven Key Ideas that span the state’s history from before the European colonial era to the modern period. Teachers should note that some Key Ideas and Concepts may require extra time or attention.
Social Studies Grade 5
Grade 5 Social Studies is based on the history and geography of the Western Hemisphere, including the development of cultures, civilizations, and empires, interaction between societies, and the comparison of the government and economic systems of modern nations. It also incorporates elements of some of the social sciences. The course is divided into eight Key Ideas that cover a time span from prehistory into modern times.
Social Studies Grade 6
Grade 6 Social Studies is based on the history and geography of the Eastern Hemisphere, including the development of cultures, civilizations, and empires, interaction between societies, and the comparison of trends in government and economics. It also incorporates elements of some of the social sciences. The course is divided into eight Key Ideas that cover a time span from pre-history into the 1300s.
Social Studies Grade 7
In Grades 7, students will examine the United States and Pennsylvania through an historical lens. The sequence is arranged chronologically beginning with the settlement of North and South America by Native Americans and ending with an examination of the U.S. in the 21st century. Although the courses emphasize the skill of chronological reasoning and causation, the courses also integrate the skills and content from geography, politics, economy, and culture into the study of history.
Social Studies Grade 8
Grade 8 Social Studies focuses on a primarily chronological study of history and geography in United States and Pennsylvania as well as economic, social, and political trends. The course content is divided into eight Key Ideas, the first seven of which trace the human experience in the United States from after Reconstruction to up to the end of World War II. The last three Key Ideas parallel each other as they trace different themes in United States and Pennsylvania history from the post War period up to the1960s.
Library Skills Grade 1
In Grade 1 Library Skills, classrooms focus on the following key topic areas: library holdings, consideration of others, respect for books, circulation procedures, general organization of the library, parts of a book, fiction and nonfiction, reference books, and the role of an author.
Library Skills Grade 2
In Grade 2 Library Skills, classrooms focus on the following key topic areas: library holdings, internet search tools, biographies, systems used for arranging of nonfiction materials, electronic or traditional card catalog, parts of a book, nonprint materials, electronic sources and online catalog access, reads for pleasure, reference books, encyclopedia format, and computer based reference sources.
Library Skills Grade 3
In Grade 3 Library Skills, classrooms focus on the following key topic areas: library holdings, internet search tools, biography, autobiography, collective biography, systems used for arranging nonfiction materials, electronic and/or traditional card catalog (author, title, subject, or keyword search), parts of a book, reference books, nonprint materials, electronic sources and online catalog access, computer based reference sources, reference books, thesaurus, cross references, citing in MLA format, author study, copyright law and plagiarism.
Library Skills Grade 4
In Grade 4 Library Skills, classrooms focus on the following key topic areas: library holdings, the Dewey Decimal System in depth, reference books, book awards, how to evaluate library materials, selecting materials based on individual needs, Boolean search terms (e.g.: "AND", "OR", "NOT"), specialized reference materials, not taking and outlining, Library of Congress, "fair use", and book awards such as Newbery, Coretta Scott King, and Regina Medal.
Library Skills Grade 5
In Grade 5 Library Skills, classrooms focus on the following key topic areas: materials provided by information networks and electronic databases, expand on Dewey Decimal System, Library of Congress System, Boolean operators, review specialized encyclopedias, works cited pages, continuous review MLA formatting, and practicing outlining work.
Library Skills Grade 6
In Grade 6 Library Skills, classrooms focus on the following key topic areas: Acknowledgements, Graphics, Footnotes, Endnotes, Appendix, Bibliography, Sources, the Book of Quotation, Gazetteer/Geographical Dictionary Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature, APA formatting, and the history of books writing.
Library Skills Grade 7
In Grade 7 Library Skills, classrooms focus on the following key topic areas: materials provided by information networks and electronic databases, reference books, in depth look into MLA and APAA formatting, author study, Copywrite Law, and different book awards.
Library Skills Grade 8
In Grade 8 Library Skills, classrooms focus on the following key topic areas: special dictionaries and references, decimal usage in the Dewey Decimal System, equipment available in library and for classroom use, selection of literature using call numbers, award lists, and catalogs, Readers’ Guide Manual and electronic reference sources Introduce electronic biography websites, Copyright Law, paraphrasing, summarizing, synthesize materials, constructing a selective process to evaluate literature to satisfy information and recreational needs, and concepts of Intellectual Freedom.
Physical Education
The mission of the Physical Education Curriculum Committee is to provide the best Physical Education opportunity for every student in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, motivating them to the best use of their individual abilities. As Physical Educators, our sacred obligation is to foster in the student a lifelong love of fitness. This will equip them with the skills and understanding necessary to take care of the physical gift of their body that God has entrusted to them. Upon graduation from an Archdiocese of Philadelphia Elementary School, our students will be able to envision and pursue a healthy lifestyle while understanding the benefits of being physically, socially, and mentally fit. We believe the guidelines set below will equip educators with the tools necessary to provide our students with the best possible opportunity to achieve these goals.
World Languages
Schools are encouraged to include world languages in the elementary curriculum, where feasible. The school administrator must ensure that the program is taught by teachers who are competent in this area. The time allotment for a world language program must be in addition to the required curriculum of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Consultation and collaboration with the Department of Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment and related Staff Development for PK-8. is recommended when introducing a world language program in a local school.
Fine Arts (Art and Music)
The Fine Arts curriculum of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia is designed to broaden a student's general knowledge of basic musical skills and concepts at all levels of elementary education. Through participation in the music program, students are lead in a deeper appreciation of liturgy, ethnic cultures, and musical styles. Music holds a prominent place in the spectrum of Arts and is of paramount importance in the development of the whole child.
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia's Technology competencies aim to create engaged and empowered learners, utilizing technology as a tool for gathering, curating, and utilizing information, and producing learning products. These competencies are based on the ISTE National Standards and encourage the integration of technology with the curriculum. Students are encouraged to develop proficiency in higher order thinking skills and project-based learning, creativity and innovation, and collaboration and communication. Teachers are encouraged to use these competencies as a scaffolding device for building technology skills and affording opportunities for independent application and cooperative use of digital proficiencies. They should also be familiar with aspects of digital citizenship, as the policy for technology use in the school communities is updated yearly. Technology is seen as a dynamic vehicle for learning and a bridge to connections with the local and global communities, with education being a life-long journey.
Media Arts Grade 4
In Grade 4 Media Arts, classrooms focus on the following key topic areas: Digital Citizenship; Safe and Ethical Actions on the Internet; Organization; Cross-Platforms; Selection and Utilization of Resources; Keyboarding and Manipulation Skills; Digital Comprehension; Word Processing; Research Skills and Interactive Discovery; and Presentation and Appreciation on Digital Platforms.
Media Arts Grade 5
In Grade 5 Media Arts, classrooms focus on the following key topic areas: Digital Citizenship' Safe and Ethical Actions on the Internet; Organization; Cross-Platforms; Selection and Utilization; Keyboarding and Manipulation Skills; Media Comprehension; Word Processing; Research Skills and Interactive Discovery; Presentation and Appreciation; Design; and Data Analytics.
Media Arts Grade 6
In Grade 6 Media Arts, classrooms focus on the following key topic areas: Digital Citizenship' Safe and Ethical Actions on the Internet; Organization; Cross-Platforms; Selection and Utilization; Keyboarding and Manipulation Skills; Media Comprehension; Word Processing; Research Skills and Interactive Discovery; Presentation and Appreciation; Specific Author Studies; Photo Editing; Web Design; and Data Analytics.
Media Arts Grade 7
In Grade 7 Media Arts, classrooms focus on the following key topic areas: Digital Citizenship' Safe and Ethical Actions on the Internet; Organization; Cross-Platforms; Selection and Utilization; Keyboarding and Manipulation Skills; Media Comprehension; Word Processing; Research Skills and Interactive Discovery; Presentation and Appreciation; Inputting Hyperlinks; Reviewing Transitions, Timing, and Animation on Digital Platforms; Web Design; and Data Analytics.
Media Arts Grade 8
In Grade 8 Media Arts, classrooms focus on the following key topic areas: Digital Citizenship' Safe and Ethical Actions on the Internet; Organization; Cross-Platforms; Selection and Utilization; Keyboarding and Manipulation Skills; Media Comprehension; Word Processing; Research Skills and Interactive Discovery; Presentation and Appreciation; Review MLA Formatting; Review APA Formatting; Web Design; Reviewing Spreadsheets; and Data Analytics.
Library Skills
The mission of the Catholic elementary school library program is to support and extend all curriculum areas. In collaboration with faculty we strive to prepare students to become effective users of information and literate life long learners. The library curriculum serves as a framework for teaching research strategies; developing skills to analyze, evaluate, interpret, and communicate information and ideas; fostering an appreciation for literature, promoting reading for pleasure, and encouraging independent learning experiences. This framework acknowledges the gospel message and nurtures our Catholic heritage.
Media Arts
The baseline curriculum for Media Arts in grades K-8 follow these general topics expanded upon in each academic school year: Citizenship, Safe and Ethical Actions in the Digital World, Organization, Cross-Platform work, Selection and Utilization Review, Keyboarding and Manipulation Skills, Comprehension of reference material, MLA and APA review, Word Processing, Research Skills and Interactive Discovery, Presentation, Appreciation of different types of media, Design skills, and Data Analysis.